Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The REAL Ironman suit - HAL

Look at this guy.

Most of you are probably thinking "Who the heck does this guy think he is?" or "I can flick him to kill him". Turns out that he's 10x stronger than you are, well, with HAL (Hybrid Assisted Limb) of course. Imagine strapping some on with your friends and smashing each other with tree trunks.

Err, I mean helping the public fighting off Doctor Octopus. Wait that's spider man.

Anyway, the suit is made by Cyberdyne (Yes Cyberdyne) and can instantly give you 10x more strength and is used for heavy laborers, rehabilitation and all that boring stuff. It lasts up to 2 1/2 hours and is a complete rental for about $1000 a month.

$1000 a month... I should rent one and then just flip my accountant's car. I bet the auto insurance companies would love that, Cheapskates!

Where's my wallet... Race you there.


  1. damn technology sure does advance quickly O.o i didn't see this coming for another 4 or 5 years

  2. I remember reading about this technology years ago but it's good to see that's improved since.

  3. It's nice to meet the tool of our doom haha

  4. I have to rent this shit and go around lifting cars to impress chicks.

  5. more like iron fail suit XD im so lame

  6. It looks so underdeveloped. Pretty neat though.

  7. this could be a good halloween costume

  8. looks good man! thanks for sharing!

  9. Man, you could fap so hard wearing that thing...

  10. that is one cool nerd right there.

    speaking of nerds, check out my blog some time.... nerd.

  11. sure he's strong, but how fast is he?

  12. Wow. Just wow.

    The time for our robot overlords has come.

  13. Wild stuff! Like something from an anime.

  14. Pretty cool start but he's going to have to bring alot more than that

  15. look at this nerd. Now back to me.

  16. were gonna need it when the aliens show up to free up all our carbon monoxide (oct 13 2010 read up ) it didnt happen ...

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  18. The Japanese Master Chief in training.

  19. The man is running away from himself. Sadness.
